Vanessa: Firstly, I have to thank fat femmes who paved the way. How do you connect to your femme identity through clothes that are for fat people?Īlso, this is our last chat! So I thought we could use this time to dish on all the fun, flirty things we wear that help us feel our most gay and powerful, so you have to drop photos of when you felt your dykiest! Shelli Nicole: Mama was their icon you hear me?!ĭani Janae: I often wonder how other femmes connect with - or project - queerness through their fashion choices. Shelli Nicole: I do agree with the shift but for a long time it def felt like queer girl fashion meant whatever Shane was wearing.ĭani Janae: Shane was the blueprint for the girls! It has definitely shifted but for a long time, queer fashion was considered to be androgynous stuff which was often only made for very straight-sized, thin people. Welcome back to The Fat Femme Fashion series! A 4-part series of roundtables, where four Autostraddle writers talk about how being fat affects the clothes we wore in the past, and the clothes we wear today.ĭani Janae: Let’s talk about connecting to your queerness through fashion. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time.
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